Southern Telecom is the telecommunications subsidiary of Southern Company (NYSE: SO). Founded in 1997 and headquartered in Atlanta, Georgia, Southern Telecom offers an entrepreneurial spirit supported by one of the largest investor-owned utilities in North America.
Southern Telecom provides wholesale dark fiber optic solutions to the business community.
Southern Telecom provides long-haul and metro dark fiber connecting Atlanta with other smaller cities throughout the Southeast. Call on us for:
Southern Telecom on Benefits of Atlanta Colocation at 270 Peachtree Facility
Southern Telecom has 3,700 route miles installed in the Southeast. We also construct spurs off this route to support many of the nearby tier II-plus cities. We provide HVAC, power, and other custom energy solutions for optronics at our operation hubs and in-line amplification sites (ILAs) on the long-haul routes and points of presence (POPs) in the metro areas supporting the metro fiber rings.
Telecommunication providers: CLECs, ILECs, BLECs, ISPs, ASPs, IXCs
Carrier carriers
Enterprise private networks
Enterprise data storage, back-up, and disaster recovery service providers
Southern Telecom is the wireline, fiber optic telecommunications subsidiary of Southern Company.
Southern Linc is Southern Company’s wireless communications service offering businesses two-way radio, phone service, paging and Internet access in one handset.
Southern Telecom is a wholly owned subsidiary of Southern Company that provides long-haul and metropolitan dark fiber connecting Atlanta with other smaller cities throughout the Southeast. The company also provides network elements such as rights of way, dark fiber, conduit, co-location and other related maintenance services. Southern Telecom is certificated as a telecommunications provider in Alabama, Florida and Georgia and also at the federal level. For more information about Southern Telecom, please call (678) 443-1820.